Exploitation Republic Iran became one 10 countries that built na
  • Jun 28 2021 - 18:14
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Exploitation of the Republic | Iran became one of the 10 countries that built and built a national observatory; Providing the path for the development of astronomy and astrophysics knowledge technologies

President Dr. Hassan Rouhani ordered the official opening of the National Observatory of Iran in the presence of the Vice President of Science and Technology.

In this ceremony, of the National Observatory of Iran was inaugurated and put into operation by video conference at the Gargash Peak, located in the center of the country, at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level and 40 kilometers south of Kashan.

This complex in an area of 8,500 square meters with 5,100 square meters of infrastructure includes 3 and 4 tenths of a meter telescope with modern technology, one meter telescope, advanced observation tools, a monitor, as well as a control building and a layer of mirrors

 The realization of this national macro-technological plan, with the support of the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology, achieves Iran's goals as the most important center of astronomy and cosmology. With a capital of 200 billion Tomans of the public sector in this complex, the ground was provided for the employment of 40 creative human resources directly.

National Observatory of Iran due to its geographical location and astronomical features, especially astronomical vision and design of its observational equipment, study of objects within the Milky Way galaxy, and other galaxies of the universe up to 7 billion light-years deep, interstellar matter, stellar evolution and phenomena Will provide high energy for astronomers in Iran and the world.

The project not only paves the way for the frontiers of knowledge in astronomy, cosmology and space science, but also challenges the mechanics, optics and instrumentation industries in one product and transcends the boundaries of all three strategic industries.

 This is the first project of this kind, zero to one hundred of which is implemented by our country's researchers and engineers, and there is no reverse engineering or copy of the same product.

 The knowledge overflow of this project is very important for Iranian science and technology. Certainly, the research institute that designed and implemented this telescope and related equipment will be one of the few institutes in the world in the production of this product and will enter the global competition in technology. Localization of production knowledge and measurement of industrial optics has been another benefit of this project so far. Production of a large-scale strategic coating product is another by-product of this national technology project of Iran.

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